推廣 熱搜:       工程  管道    公告  招標  招標公告   


   日期:2023-05-11     來源:中國電力招標采購網(wǎng)    作者:dlztb    瀏覽:0    
核心提示:第五章 投標邀請 Section 5.Invitation for Bids招標項目Project Name: COOEC SUBSEA TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.-National OilGas Pip

第五章    投標邀請

    Section 5Invitation for Bids



Project Name:  COOEC SUBSEA TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.-National Oil&Gas Pipeline Emergency Repair base diverless repair clamp purchase_Project_Pipeline Diverless Repair Clamp(Name of Goods)

招標編號(Bid No.):0704-2340JDCP0977/01


中化建國際 (以下稱為“招標代理機構”)受海洋石油工程股份 (以下稱為“招標人”)委托,就海油工程深技服應急基地海管維修堵漏管卡采辦項目所需部分貨物及相關服務進行國際公開招標?,F(xiàn)邀請投標人對下列貨物和服務提交密封投標:

CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Tendering Agent”), entrusted by China Offshore Oil Engineering Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “Tenderee” ), intends to purchase the Goods and the relevant services required under the project of COOEC SUBSEA TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.-National Oil&Gas Pipeline Emergency Repair base diverless repair clamp purchase____by International Competitive Bidding. Bidders are kindly requested to provide the following Goods and services with sealed bids.


1.  招標條件

Bidding Conditions:


Project Summary:Specialized Deepwater Pipeline Repair System (DPRS) will be procured in addition to PURCHASER’s existing equipment. It will have the capability to repair different types of subsea pipelines at various water depths.


Source of Funds: yes


Description of Prepared Bidding Conditions: yes


2.  招標內(nèi)容:Bidding Contents:


Name of Goods: _Pipeline Diverless Repair Clamp



Quantity: 4.5″Pipeline Diverless Repair Clamp,Design water depth 2000m 1 set、6″Pipeline Diverless Repair Clamp,Design water depth 1 set、10″Pipeline Diverless Repair Clamp,Design water depth 500m 1 set、14″Pipeline Diverless Repair Clamp,Design water depth 500m 1 set



Main Specifications:4.5″Pipeline Diverless Repair Clamp,Design water depth 2000m 1 set、6″Pipeline Diverless Repair Clamp,Design water depth 1 set、10″Pipeline Diverless Repair Clamp,Design water depth 500m 1 set、14″Pipeline Diverless Repair Clamp,Design water depth 500m 1 set.




     The delivery time not exceed 52 weeks of ConTRACT award.


從中華人民共和國關境內(nèi)提供的貨物:合同簽訂后52周(貨到項目現(xiàn)場時間)For goods offered from within PRC customs territory:52weeks after signing the contract (arrival date to the job site)

從中華人民共和國關境外提供的貨物: 合同簽訂后52周(提單發(fā)貨時間)

For goods offered from outside PRC customs territory: 52 weeks after signing the contract (departure date on Bill of Lading)


交貨地點Destination of delivery:


For goods offered from within PRC customs territory: Shenshui Port, Chiwan Road No.1,Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China.

從中華人民共和國關境外提供的貨物: 深圳機場CIP

For goods offered from outside PRC customs territory:Shenzhen Airport CIP 



3. 對投標人的資格和業(yè)績要求:

Requirements for Qualification and reference of Bidder:



Requirements for Qualification of Bidder






A.The bidder within the customs territory shall provide valid independent legal person business license, tax registration certificate, organization code certificate, or combined certificate and business license;

The bidder outside the customs territory shall provide valid certificate to prove valid business registration certificate.


B. 制造商應具備符合ISO9001質(zhì)量管理體系或同等資質(zhì)證書。投標人須提供制造商有效的質(zhì)量體系認證證書;

B. The manufacturer of the Bid Goods shall pass Quality Management System Certification ISO9001(or GB/T19001 or equivalent internationally recognised)Certification. Bidder shall provide valid Certificate of Quality Management System Certification of manufacturer.



C. Bidders of overseas products can be manufacturers or agents. If the Overseas bidder is an agent, bidder shall obtain the legal and formal authorization from the manufacturer of the goods to provide the goods for this bidding. Agents bidding for domestic products are not accepted.


D. 是否接受聯(lián)合體投標:否

Joint Venture: Not Accepted

E. 未領購招標文件是否可以參加投標:不可以

Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available

F. 其它




Requirements of Qualification of Bidder and Certificate

A. 投標人需提提供至少1份以往項目由國家安全生產(chǎn)監(jiān)督管理總局海洋石油作業(yè)安全辦公室(COOOSO)認可的第三方船級社(ABS, DNV,BV)之一出具的海管維修堵漏管卡產(chǎn)品認證證書,以及型式認證證書,并承諾此次供貨時提供產(chǎn)品的型式認證和產(chǎn)品認證證書。

A. SUPPLIER provide both Type Approval Certificate and Product Certificate for the Diverless Repair Clamp (DRC) issued in previous projects (at least one project) by ship classification society such as ABS, DNV or BV which are recognized by COOOSO as proof. SUPPLIER shall clearly state and commit to provide full Type Approval Certificate and Product Certificate when delivery of Diverless Repair Clamp (DRC) for this bid.



Requirement for Bidder's reference:


Between January 1st 2011 and the tender closing date,SUPPLIER shall have at least one sales contract for one set of complete Diverless Repair Clamp (DRC) which is designed suitable for operation at water depth greater than 500m,The DRC shall be designed to fit the rigid pipeline size not less than 14in OD and with pressure rating not less than 2000psi,BIDDER shall provide the track record document as required, The track record documents shall include but not limited to 1)Copy of sales contract(Including relevant technical attachments) and 2) Delivery and Verification documents. The track record documents submitted by the bidder must at least reflect the following contents such as Contract signing date,Name of manufacturer,Name of Cargoes,Project name,The DRC designed to fit the rigid pipeline size not less than 14in OD, The DRC design pressure rating not less than 2000psi, Delivery and Verification documents etc.Failure to submit track record documents or the provided track record documents cannot reflect the above required contents will be deemed as substantially non-responsive.


4. 有興趣的投標人可通過以下方式獲取招標文件:具體時間詳見系統(tǒng),請登錄中國海油采辦業(yè)務管理與交易系統(tǒng)(https://buy.cnooc.com.cn)的招標公告頁面進行購買。首次登錄必須先進行注冊(免費),注冊成功后,方可 投標人須在線填寫 招標文件每套售價為200元人民幣或30美元,售后不退。對于使用美元


The interested Bidders may obtain the bidding document by following method: Please login at CNOOC Procurement Operation System on the page of Invitation for bid for purchasing Bidding document (See the system for specific time). For the first time of login, a registration (free of charge) is needed and only after successful registration, Bidder can purchase Bidding documents online.The bidder shall fill in the registration form for purchasing bidding documents online and pay online. After successful payment, the bidder can download the bidding documents by itself. The price of each set of bidding documents is RMB200 or USD30, and it is non refundable after sales. For the bidder who purchases the bidding documents in US dollars, it is required to wire transfer to the following account number:

Payee: CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd.

Bank:I NDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA,Beijing National Cultural and Financial Cooperation Demonstration Zone Jinjie Sub-branch:



Bank Address:No. 237 Wang fu jing Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China PR,100006.


5. 投標文件的遞交 Submission of bid

投標截止時間(開標時間): 詳見系統(tǒng)時間

The deadline for submission of bid (bid opening time): See the system for specific time



Any bid beyond the required time and date shall be subject for rejection.


6.  。

This Invitation for Bids will be published on the website  at the same time.

7.投標人在投標前應在必聯(lián)網(wǎng)(https:// ooc.com.cn)上發(fā)布。

Before bidding, the bidder should complete registration and information verification at https:// ooc.com.cn) .



項目 聯(lián)系人:李楊  
微信:Li13683233285 郵箱:1211306049@qq.com



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